WPC – Today Was a Good Day to Walk Around Malacca

Melaka, or Malacca, as a UNESCO World Heritage city, attracted my heart with its mixture of cultural trails of many countries that gave colors, from Portugal, England, Dutch, China and Melayu itself. That was the reason my husband and I visited Melaka this year. And for getting the ambience and the beauty of Melaka, my husband and I spent a good day to walk around Melaka.

We started from the Dutch Square, where Christ Church and all red buildings are located. Here we can hire rickshaw with various flowers decoration if we’re too tired to walk. Then we followed a path to reach St. Paul’s Church on top of a hill. There stands a statue of St Francis Xavier with his arm cut-off.

Following the nice path down the hill, my husband and I reached the replica building of the Sultanate and a ruin of fortress that’s called Porta de Santiago.

Continuing the walk, passing the museums we are back to the Dutch Square again. Then if we walk across the bridge, we will be in Jl. Hang Jebat which is famous as Jonker Street. It is famous of a night market along the road and full of food stalls and various selling kiosks.

It took several minutes of walking to reach the Kampong Keling mosque, the oldest mosque in the area. At the end of the road is the Cheng Hoon Teng temple, a famous Chinese temple which is always crowded with the visitors. And there is a Hindu temple next to the mosque. What a beautiful harmony in that area.

My husband and I did not have any difficulties to have a good lunch because we can find many restaurants in the area.

In the afternoon, we enjoy a river-cruise through Melaka River and feel the fresh atmosphere of the river and the nice environment of the river bank. It took almost 1 hour to have a good cruise along the river.

Going back to the hotel, pleasant cool water in the swimming pool is so tempting during the hot sunny days. Well, a fresh soaking after a nice walk will complete our day and relaxing as well. Hmm… it’s really a good day…


In response to Weekly Photo Challenge with the theme Today Was a Good Day

23 tanggapan untuk “WPC – Today Was a Good Day to Walk Around Malacca

    1. Benar Win.. walaupun kadang lebih menarik yang di Indonesia, tetapi cara mereka mengemasnya membuat orang lebih tertarik ke mereka. Sayang yaa… padahal Indonesia sangat tidak kalah kan yaaa…


    1. Ya sayang yaa… Jonker Str memang luarbiasa crowded saat Weekend, sampai bisa dibilang pasar senggol deh, sangking seringnya kita bersenggolan kalau jalan hehe. Makanannya bervariasi dari ujung ke ujung, siapkan perut lapar saja 😀
      Mungkin ada baiknya kalau ada waktu luang, ke Melaka lagi hehehe…


  1. Kebersihan dan keteraturan kotanya saya suka.
    Kalo bangunan lama, rasanya di Indonesia juga banyak, cuma pemda gak pintar untuk dijadikan sebagai salah satu pendulang uang kas daerah.
    Yang bikin miris banyak bangunan antik warisan jaman kolonial yang dihancurkan, demi pembangunan katanya. Saya prihatin dan ngurut dada…

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    1. Pembangunan memang penting tetapi seharusnya sebijak mungkin dengan tidak menghancurkan potensi kekayaan bangsa yaa… Mungkin memang perlu waktu lama untuk pembelajaran ini.Terima kasih sudah mampir


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