Myanmar In Frames

My trip to Myanmar several year ago was one of my best solo trips I have ever experienced. Not only I was able to take a pose at Shwedagon Pagoda, as my father did decades ago, but I also got so many wonderful experiences in the country which opened up since the past few years.

But spending hours since the afternoon till evening at the famous Shwedagon Pagoda in Yangoon, would be different compared to wander around Bagan which has thousands of ancient heritage temples or wander around Mandalay.

But unfortunately, hundreds of the remarkable temples were damaged by the recent 6.8 Magnitude earthquake on 24th August 2016 with its epicenter only around 30 km from Bagan.

I truly hope that the Myanmar and the world will be hand in hand to repair and restore all the damaged heritage temples because of historical value was not owned by Myanmar alone but the world.

In order to participate in the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the theme Frame for this week, I post some photos during my trip in Myanmar


16 tanggapan untuk “Myanmar In Frames

        1. Nah… kalo yang belum sempat kesana jadi sedih krn ga bisa liat, tapi yang pernah kesana jadi sedih juga krn punya kenangan ga bs diliat lagi…. Jadi Nug, pergi aja kalau memang ada rencana hehehe


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