WPC – Gathering the Incense

Scented Incenses
Scented Incenses

I was on the way to one of the Royal Tombs in Hue, Vietnam when the bus pulled over and stopped near small kiosks. All of us alighted and found many beautiful things in the kiosks. It did not take long for us to gather around a Vietnamese girl who showed us how to make scented incense.

The skillful hands took a little of the incense dough and rolled the stick with it. She made it quickly and it’s done. The rest was only for giving the pleasant scent and color on the incense stick then dried it. Variant scents were provided like sandalwood, cinnamon and other flower scents. Even she allowed us to smell the fragrance when it was burnt. Look easy for her, but perhaps it’s not that easy for the unskilled hands like ours.

Gathered Scented Incenses
Gathered Scented Incenses

Then she gathered all the same scented and colored incense-sticks together and put it on the rack as the showcase. Wish many people to buy, or at least smelled the pleasant fragrance to feel peace and calmness of mind in her kiosk

“A little bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives you roses”


In response to the Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the theme – Gathering

14 tanggapan untuk “WPC – Gathering the Incense

    1. hahaha bener banget mba, kayak sapu lidi yang warna warni ya.. hihihi… mereka cepat dan trampil banget tangannya, mungkin karena sudah biasa. Kalo saya sih, pasti amburadul deh hahaha..


  1. Meski kelihatannya kecil, tapi kegiatan merajin dupa itu sebenarnya susah banget ya Mbak. Salut deh buat si gadis kecil, dan jadi pelajaran (tidak langsung) juga buat saya bahwa sekecil apa pun, yang namanya karya manusia pasti berharga. Warna-warna fotonya bagus! Ah, dirimu memang piawai sekali kalau soal fotografi :)).

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    1. Benar Gara, seperti juga dalam kehidupan, yang suka membuat kita terjungkal adalah kerikil-kerikil kecil. Demikian juga karya, sekecil apapun sebuah penciptaan dan pencapaian, itu adalah upaya dan warna hidup hehehe…

      Disukai oleh 1 orang

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