Weekly Photo Challenge: Vivid Butterflies

One thing that I love to see in a Mall is the decoration, especially during the festive seasons, and I appreciate the creative people behind the beautiful installations.

For this week’s photo challenge I select a photo which I took in a mall in Makassar with beautiful butterflies hanging on its ceiling. At that time, the mall was relatively new and that was the reason they put beautiful vivid butterflies as decoration. Butterfly is a symbol for a hope for lots of customers.

Well, this is a response to Weekly Photo Challenge with the this week’s theme : Vivid

Butterflies on ceiling - a decor in mall
Butterflies on ceiling – a decor in mall

6 tanggapan untuk “Weekly Photo Challenge: Vivid Butterflies

  1. South Celebes is indeed famous with the Bantimurung Park, the home of the most beautiful butterfly species in this country. And even the decorations in that mall are beautiful, too! Ah, but I want to visit Bantimurung again. I hope it could be realized, soon.

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

      1. Ah, mungkin kalau ke Makassar lagi, mesti disempatkan tandang ke sana, Mbak! Ada gua dan telaga kupu-kupu, mereka semua sangat indah :)).

        Disukai oleh 1 orang

        1. Naah itu dia, udah tau sih soal Bantimurung, tetapi ya gitu deh, selalu ga cocok waktunya… kayaknya memang perlu disediakan khusus yaa… biar puas kelilingnya…

          Disukai oleh 1 orang

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