WPC – A Peacock Feather on ROY G BIV

For this week’s photo challenge, I took my red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet scarfs. And I took my peacock feather from the vase and Voilà

A Peacock Feather on ROYGBIV
A Peacock Feather on ROYGBIV

A peacock will eventually show its true colors, so don’t be afraid to let them show.

Your true colors are beautiful, like a rainbow

In response to Weekly Photo Challenge with this week’s theme : ROY G BIV

12 tanggapan untuk “WPC – A Peacock Feather on ROY G BIV

  1. Beautiful! The colors blend perfectly. But if I may ask, where did you get the peacock feather, Mbak? It is so beautiful :)). You have a good taste in scarf color, too, as you have all of them! Well, I guess you could variate a lot with those scarfs :hihi.
    Great photo!

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