WPC – Resilience of the Trees

Trees in Nagoya

Leaving the Toyota automobile museum in Nagakute,
It’s only 23 km from the city of Nagoya, Aichi Perfecture, Japan

My husband and I walked slowly on the pedestrian.
enjoying the last days of our vacation in Japan.
feeling the atmosphere of late afternoon in autumn,
So quiet and pleasant.

The resilient trees we saw on the garden
Have lost all their leaves, leaving only branches and twigs
but it’s still beautiful and promising something amazing.
The readiness to receive snowfall in the following season
and the happiness to emerge new leaves in spring

On the last day of 2016, now left in a matter of hours,
but throughout the years has been decorated
with hard working and relaxing moments, full of ups and downs

Similar to the trees; resilient and still wonderful
Promising something amazing in next year

So let me wish you all from the bottom of my heart,
May 2017 be
A year of Health and Happiness
A year of Wealth and Wisdom,
A year of Peace and Prosperity,
A year of Glee and Glow,
And also a year of Love and Laughter,

Happy New Year 2017!


3 tanggapan untuk “WPC – Resilience of the Trees

  1. Sudah semakin jarang saya ngeblog nih mbak. Boleh dibilang saya kembali memulainya di Januari ini. Berkunjung ke blog mbak ternyata tetap aktif ngeblog dgn kisah-kisah yg menarik.

    Selamat tahun baru, mbak. Sukses selalu.

    Salam dari saya di Sukabumi,

    Disukai oleh 1 orang

    1. Ya ga apa-apa melakukan hibernasi, mencari ide dan kembali mengumpulkan semangat. Karena sejatinya menulis itu ibarat candu, sekali sudah terbiasa, pasti dia akan menggoda untuk kembali menulis. Selamat Tahun Baru juga kang, semoga selalu sukses dan menghasilkan tulisan-tulisan yang semakin hebat dan bermanfaat. Aamiin YRA.

      Disukai oleh 1 orang

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