WPC – A Relaxing Place For The Mind

Lotus pond
Lotus pond

As a modern hectic city, Singapore is also famous as an international hub city for the travelers. Despite the fact that it has so many intimidating skyscrapers which seem having no mercy to the people who lost in life competition, Singapore provides places for relaxing the mind.

One of these places is the lotus pond that is located adjacent to the Art & Science museum in Marina Bay area. When I took this photo, many people, -perhaps workers-, were standing there and taking a break from their hectic day. It was shown on their faces that they needed the break for relaxing the mind and the lotus pond became the perfect place for that.

A simple lotus pond with its coolness gives a total fresh atmosphere around. A perfect place for taking a brief relax to regain the strength.

As Bryant McGill once said,

Your calm mind is the ultimate weapon against your challenges. So relax.

16 tanggapan untuk “WPC – A Relaxing Place For The Mind

    1. Sebenarnya kita tak kalah indah dan bagus, kalau saja masyarakat kita mau disiplin dan taat hukum (tanpa diawasi, udah by default gitu). Yah semoga aja suatu saat bisa terwujud.


        1. yoi kak habis aku di jakarta dari 2013 dulu parit itu joroknya minta ampun sekrang sim salabim jadi bersih apalagi trans dulu yang jelek banget sekarang rata-rata baru, maklum kemana-mana suka pakai transportasi umum 😀

          Disukai oleh 1 orang

        2. Hahaha… aku inget naik trans juga di 3 tahun lalu itu, pas naik jembatan, ngek-ngek-ngek pelaaannn ga kuat nanjak… sampai aku mikir wah bentar lagi mogok deh… mana jalannya miring kiri miring kanan karena lubang hahaha… sekarang memang mendingan yaa…
          tempat mamaku juga dulunya banjiiiirrr sekarang engga lho… tapi ini bukan pernyataan politik lho Win, tapi asli faktanya gitu..


  1. Bagus memang ada taman lotus di tengah kota seperti ini. Rapi pula. Betah buat ditatap lama-lama. Di dekat kantor saya juga ada taman tapi saya lupa ada lotusnya atau tidak.


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