WPC – It’s Not This Time of Year Without Capturing Flowers

Unconsciously in every holiday I always make time to take photographs on flowers. Sometimes in the courtyard of the hotel where I stay, or at the destinations I visit. Finally I know that I am always attracted by flowers, perhaps by the beauty or the colours of them. Since then I have a photo collection of beautiful flowers.

As requested from the Daily Post in the weekly photo challenge, for me the holiday could never be complete without taking beautiful flowers. As if a confirmation that in every holiday is always full of beauty and bring back the wonderful memories.

A White Flower
A White Flower
The small beauty
The small beauty
Yellow Flowers
Yellow Flowers

In response to Daily Post’s Weekly Photo Challenge with the theme of It’s Not This Time of Year Without


11 tanggapan untuk “WPC – It’s Not This Time of Year Without Capturing Flowers

    1. Hihihi…terima kasih banyak yaaa… koleksi dari banyak tempat hihihi…
      kalo mau ikut wpc (walau ga ada hadiah ato pemenangnya), coba klik https://dailypost.wordpress.com/photo-challenges/
      tiap jumat tengah malam (di Indonesia) di post tema baru, yang berlaku seminggu.
      Nah abis itu post deh yang sesuai temanya (ada foto dan sedikit cerita sesuai tema), jangan lupa sertakan hyperlink buat tampil di tema minggu itu.
      Jadi kita dipaksa untuk rajin posting 1 minggu 1 kali (yang menurut aku itulah hadiah WPC buatku, konsistensi buat posting blog). Semoga membantu ya… 😉

      Disukai oleh 1 orang

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