WPC – The Abstract Scarfs

When the team of Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge asked us to participate in the challenge with an abstract pictures, actually I did not know what picture I had to submit. Abstract means totally abstract to me 🙂 But that’s the fun of the challenge, looking for the pictures that meet the criteria.

Abstract is so subjective. It has an open process of interpretation of beautiful composition, colors, shapes and its own messages, it’s about feeling. Then I remember that at least I have two scarfs with abstract motifs. I’d just captured the scarfs to be my contribution of the challenge.

I thought about the flowers when I see the red rectangle scarf and I thought about musical environment in the second scarf. Well, again, it’s open to interpret.

But from the two, which one do you prefer? 🙂

Abstract Scarf
Abstract Scarf

Another Abstract Scarf
Another Abstract Scarf

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