WPC – When Leaves Were In Transition

The Leaves in Transition
The Leaves in Transition

It was memorable moments when I walked alone in the Secret Garden, behind one of the famous South Korean palaces in Seoul, the Changdeokgung. It was early November and the leaves on trees in the garden were in transition, from green to yellow or red then brown, then they fell to the ground.

Being a person who lives in a tropical country with only summer and rainy season, for me autumn season is a remarkable time. Knowing about autumn is one thing, but walking in a real garden with the trees in a color transition in Autumn was another amazing unforgettable moments.

“As the Leaves change, so do we…

The lucid colors of the trees reminded me of the eternity of change. As the leaves change, so do we. With the changing seasons comes new beginnings. We all change colors and lose our leaves, but after that we bloom again…

19 tanggapan untuk “WPC – When Leaves Were In Transition

  1. Foto-fotonya begitu sentimental, begitu juga dengan deskripsinya. Suka dengan semuanya, terutama warna-warna musim gugur yang vivid banget di sini! Kayak memberi pandangan bahwa perubahan itu tidak selalu buruk di awal dan baik di akhir (atau sebaliknya, tergantung anggapan yang berbicara), namun bahkan perubahan itu sendiri bisa meninggalkan memori yang unik. Bokehnya bagus Mbak, dan tentunya, kalau musim gugur tidak perlu khawatir kepanasan ya *kabur*.

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